Pragati Foundation (PF) has come a long way since its humble beginning in 1992. Over 5000 underprivileged women & youth have passed through the PF’s experience and have come out brimming with self-confidence, joyfulness, empathy, peace and dignity. With a vision “Good work for all” and with a dream to empower deprived women and youth by awakening people to the …
About Pragati Foundation
Pragati Foundation (PF) is a unique not-for-profit organization formed in 1992. It is committed for empowerment of underprivileged women and youth through facilitation of creation of sustainable and joyful livelihood opportunities through its Project Awaken I. This is done through building capacity, awakening to abundance & mentoring program. With so many years of dedicated work at ground, it has developed …
Kalyani Bhalerao
Sales job to designer work I would say, joyful job leads to joyful life.. I am so happy in my job at “Banjara”. I do retail selling we are group of young girls, enjoying together, working together, learning together. We get enough time to read and study further during our job time and our owner allows us to grow ourselves …
Anu Wakhlu
Anu Wakhluis the Executive Director and Secretary of Pragati Foundation. Anu has been associated with many NGO’s over the last 20 years. She has worked for Indian Council for Child Welfare as the project Coordinator for their Balsevikas and AnganwadiProgramme.She also worked with Gram Vikas Kendra,Jamshedpur(the CSR wing of Tata Motors) on a project of sponsorship of traibalchildren.Subsequently, she joined …
Arun Wakhlu
Chairman of Pragati Foundation Arun Wakhlu, (born 1955) is the Executive Chairman of Pragati Leadership Institute, Pune, India. A spiritually inspired and professionally skilled community working with leading clients in 19 countries, Pragati Leadership works to unfold sustainable value for all stakeholders. Arun holds a B. Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), and is a Post Graduate …
Pratiksha Kamble
A shy girl, a back bencher, turns into a dynamic craftsperson trainer & an entrepreneur Pratiksha Kamble, 21yrs,tall, shy, stay at home, doing her FYBA externally…… not allowed to go beyond community area or talk to boys was completely disappointed with life. She lacked self-confidence and self esteem. She was resigned to a life of waiting to get married, same …
Nilesh Shinde
Driver to Dairy Farm Owner- an entrepreneur’s story “I am 10th class drop out. I have worked as a garbage vehicle driver, delivery man, sole bread earner for my family. I am a dreamer and always wanted to go back to my village and work with Animals. Passionate to the point of adding pet to my family …
Mentoring is the key to success