Current Activities
IT Consultant to the Diabetes Unit, KEM Hospital since 1989. The Diabetes Unit, KEM Hospital, Pune in collaboration with the MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, Southampton, UK conducted a study of maternal nutrition & intrauterine foetal growth in rural India funded by the Wellcome Trust. Collaborator in the KEM-WELLCOME-MRC Maternal Nutrition Study.
Past Job Responsibilities held, Achievements and Areas of interest
IT Advisor to the University of Pune in all their computerizing activities from April 2013 to March 2015. Chairman of the Examination Committee responsible for the computerization of the University Examinations.
Employed at NIC- National Informatics Centre till 30th Nov 2012. NIC is a Government of India organization which maintains NICNET a nationwide network. NIC is a total service provider to all Government Departments in the area of computers and communications.
Have over 30 years of experience in the IT sector, of which the last 20 years have been in a management position, responsible for interfacing with users, understanding requirements, drawing up specifications, managing a team to deliver the goods on schedule, testing the s/w to verify functionality as in requirement specs, and then putting the documentation together to go with the s/w. Head of the Training Division for over 20 years and responsible for drawing up the Training calendar for the year, designing courses, the material to be covered and involved in the preparation of the material.
Responsibilities held
- Member of a Committee for appropriate human resources capacity building plan at National Level for
- Member Secretary, QAG NIC, Pune. Internal Quality Auditor for QMS Implementation. Member of the QMS Documentation Review Group. Member of Group III set up for documenting procedures for
- Handling the computerization needs of the Department of Employment and Self- Employment(DE&SE), Government of Maharashtra. Leading the team involved in requirement analysis, design, development and testing of the s/w product for the exchanges and design & development of the Portal for the DE&SE.
- Maharashtra Co-ordinator for CAPES( Computer Aided Paperless Examination System) set up for recruitment in
- Providing support to the Yashwant Rao Chavan Academy of Development Administration.
- Correspondent for the NIC house magazine Informatics for SDU,
- Training related Activities:
- Designing and organising courses for state and central government
- Arranging Update courses at SDU, Pune for NIC
- Selection, allocation and monitoring of project trainees for NIC,
- Handling nominations to conferences and seminars of SDU, Pune
- Software Quality Professional Certification awarded by STQC in December 2001.
- Certified as Internal Quality Auditor by STQC in December
- Recognized Trainer for the Mentoring Skills course sponsored by the DOPT, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India
- Successfully completed a course on Technical Writing Fundamentals, conducted by University of Pune, May-July
- Successfully completed a course on Training Needs Analysis, sponsored by DOPT at HCM RIPA, Jaipur in Nov
- Conducted an Internal Quality Audit at NIC, Pune with the help of ETDC, Pune in December
- Conducted a course on IQA at SDU, Pune in September
- Designed and conducted a one month course on Technical Writing Fundamentals as the sole faculty for NIC officers of SDU, Pune in August
- Attended and successfully completed a Management Development Programme at IIM, Calcutta in Feb
- Developed and Implemented RojgarMitra – Client Server/Web Application and RojgarWahini Portal for Department of Employment & Self Employment, Maharashtra State. The RojgarWahini portal ( )received for the CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award for the year 2007-08.
- Implemented Learning Website - 'Ideas that Work' ( and a Hostel Management System for
- Part of team involved in development of the Knowledge-based Intranet Web site for NIC, Pune.
Areas of professional interest: QMS Documentation & Implementation, E-Governance Systems, Technical Writing, Training.