Pragati Foundation is not just a project, it is a vision of a new society where underprivileged women & youth would have the opportunities for joyful livelihood, growth and happiness.
There is a huge task awaiting us, the task of combating poverty and unemployment, the task of connecting the deprived to the mainstream of the society, the task of forced jobs i.e jobs or work which is not bringing JEEP (Joy, Enthusiasm, Empathy and Peace), the task of awakening people to their own divine essence and creativity (Awakening to Abundance), the task of building bonds, creation of cohesive community leading to “One Wholesome World”. This is a gigantic task.
There is a burgeoning youth population in India and the number of jobless young people has reached alarming proportions. Today, India is one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 63.4% of its total population in the working age group (15-64 years), and more than 54% of its total population below 25 years of age (Census 2011 data). The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has predicted that by 2020, India will have 116 million workers in the work-starting age bracket of 20 to 24 years (out of this 55 million potential workers (in age group of 15-35years) in rural areas). At the same time, the world is expected to face a shortage of 57 million workers by 2020. In 20 years the labour force in the industrialised world will decline by 4%, while in India it will increase by 32%.
This presents a historic opportunity for India to transform its demographic surplus into a demographic dividend. However, considering the present status of the workforce in terms of educational attainment and skill training, this is a big challenge. Most of our youth lack employable skills, formal vocational training, knowledge on carrier options and there is a skill mis-match. There are many schemes aimed at helping disadvantaged young people into employment; however they have found it challenging to motivate young people to st art up, build and sustain in job or their businesses.
Pune is urbanizing rapidly, the need and scope for skilled persons is HUGE and wide. Matching today’s youth with employment needs is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, and finding an employee with appropriate professional attitude& skills is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Limited awareness and access to available trainings, services & opportunities, puts ambitious, aspiring, sincere, young boys and girls at a great disadvantage. They become vulnerable to social pressures and vices. They become de-motivated, drop out and fall into a failure cycle.
A composite, integrated skilling Centre is proposed, to motivate youth & women to understand their capabilities and take charge of their future.
If the challenge is overcome by investing adequately in their education and employability, this youth power has the potential to transform the Indian economy.
Pragati Foundation drives this national agenda for inclusive growth, by catering to the needs of poor. It is designed to benefit the Prime Minister’s ‘Make in India’ Campaign, it aims to position India as the skill capital of world. Pragati Foundation’s initiative is expected to address issues of 1) low awareness 2) gaps in knowledge and information about livelihood opportunities 3) lack of skills in finding suitable job and setting up businesses and 4) the lack of mentoring, marketing and counselling support to young people to earn sustainable livelihood